Terminator Series
In the future, machines will control the planet, under the power of the immense Skynet. The Terminator has gone back in time, and is under orders to kill Sarah Connor - the mother of the future rebel John Connor, who will lead a strong resistance against Skynet. John orders a soldier to defend him, by saving his mother. In the second film, known as Judgement Day, a highly-advanced Terminator is once more attempting to kill John Connor. This time, it's the newly updated T-1000, which is going to murder John Connor while he's still a child. The T-1000 is specially-adapted to shape-shift into any human shape, due to its liquid metal form. For this reason, it can also 'heal' faster than the other Terminator machines. However, John is now protected by a redesigned Terminator, the 800 series, while Sarah Connor is determined to destroy Skynet before it is created.